Wednesday, 23 December 2009

... the Angel's arrival was abrupt and slightly abrasive like sandpaper. A plume of bone dust spread out as it landed with a muffled thud on the ancient stone sanctuary floor. A deep red lantern lit high above me, from where the creature fell, gave me a sense of protection. Feathered skin, it's wings almost metallic, shone with an opalescent refraction of light which audibly ringed around them. Everything was still.

Trying not to meet it's gaze, I avoidantly took in it's appearance. It's face was like a wooden mask soaked in a strange amber oil the consistency of molasses.
pupils of pure empathetic fire languished in the glimmering dark recesses which were it's eyes; they occasionally lapped against the rim of it's face like waves slowly crashing against a desolate coastline.
I stepped forward greet it and to ask it's name, " Excus - - " my hand reached out...

It moved quickly and heavily on it's wings towards a stone cove before i could utter the words,
the high pitch noise of light, shifted and altered as it moved. It seemed as though the room were saturated in it, and the presence of life was a disturbance.

My thoughts slowed down to a point, then a spark of intuition flashed inside my skull, which caused my eyes to narrow and my already outstretched arm to recoil and cover my face as earth, glass and powdered bone blasted toward me in an almighty pulse that emanated from the stone cove where the angel had crept. My weight shifted as i braced the impact, and when it had ended, I fell to my knees.


blurred menace, chaste diplomat.
resolute in all four suits, a quick shuffle,
maximises input in lieu of persuasion.

phony and angered, boxed, squared, segmented
rolled on your tongue until it fits through
the needlepoint, stretched mouths gasping.
as if wire fires from your optic nerves
attaches to your decaying platelets of vision.

suction caps placed over your teats
milked and spun into silk,
unraveled flesh, spun onto looms
quartered up into value cuts,
the Jack of clubs melted the icecaps
with a flamethrower and his carbon candles.

who's got the power now, air miles evacuated losing the high, high,
this makes me alive, where i thrive, webs are an image, legs like knives,
inticing blind pork rinds into landmines where, with their credit cards snort lines.
your rhymescheme ordered me veal, and i declined.
slivers of divinity echo down smoke chambers in hollowed out earth.
mirth and menthol holiday period to the valleys of indonesia.
ample description included in textbook
up above the excrement, past your niceities over the roundabout
the final furlongs captured on your ex boyfriends super 8
wasn't he artistic.

ver bail out.

taste testing golden quail's eggs, stirring up a typhoon of gastronomical wonderment

Tuesday, 22 December 2009


paraphenalia accumulated, laden with dust, under bedclothes and wet laundry, the Shala apartment with that smell of sun and old soap, while the grey radio plays. Bubbles float by and your cat climbed the telegraph pole. Hiccups last for hours, in the rush of youth, tantalised by the future keepsakes of yesteryear, what malcontent have you sprayed on yourself since that fateful day, that forgotten era? Punctuation and structure abandoned, have thou honestly considered the precursors to the situation you are now in, to feel. why does this come to you now? the ephemera of your subconcious, peeling like paint, tarnished. you used to be ancient, now reclined in dark blue, closed and appalled at returning to form. you have destructured yourself, and pieced yourself back together. you are a living crying analysis, analysing, shying away from the unlearnt, which comes in seperate catagories. Filed alphabetically A-Z and Symbls slashed numerical data. Shredding pangs in yur arm, like duck and chinese kiss, under palm moon wheatfields, dangerous spider in a crystal web above you, four thousand undulating choral whispers, plyphonic to the meter specified by you and you alone. Mercury shines in the light of the young hyena, milk sap from tree bark, sticky to the touch on thin tan fingers. pink pleated, round eyed. Black taxi skulks out, burnt heavy, hulk ships infringe on the legitimate request of nature threatened, chased by heaven, so put down your weapons. unfettered temptress, risen like bread. water drains solitary and meaningful. this is not the end.

Friday, 4 December 2009


you are ever changing,
space debris and tears,
the enamel of your teeth
now rests in flowerpot pieces
hurled towards the outer reaches
of the universe.

the acid of your stomach
burns holes through dark matter.
into which your prying eyes slip
red blue and green,
never to be seen again

your oxygen
set aflame in a dwarfing star.